Koreabridge volunteering online broadcast

Koreabridge is going to stream online volunteering opportunities.  If you have free time, please listen in and take some notes for the rest of the group!

"Volunteering in Korea, Saturday, Jan. 16 at 1pm - We plan to stream a discussion about opportunities for volunteering and community service in Korea.  Would love to discuss existing options and brainstorm other ways that expats and locals can contribute to the communities in which they live.  Again, if anyone is willing to participate, please contact me at jeff@http://www.facebook.com/l/53a79;koreabridge.net

Both webcasts will take place at: http://www.facebook.com/l/53a79;koreabridge.net/live and participants can skype 'koreabridge' or call 070-7847-7361 to join the conversation."