Kaizen Korea Documentary Teaser

A Humble Attempt at Thank You in 500 Words or Less

What started out as an idea for some 30 second blip has morphed into something utterly beyond ANY of our wildest expectations…. and this is just the 2 minute preview.

Thinking about this, I can’t help but think how this speaks to the nature of Kaizen itself: start out with an idea of something you want to do- lose weight, make 6-pack abs, get into that dream dress; and over the course of weeks dropping sweat on the mat, with the knowledge, support and tireless effort of those around you…. the process itself begins to take on a life of its own. Maybe the end result seems the same- we have a video, he’s lost the “spare tire,” she gets to breath freely on her “special day” rather than being miserable sucking it in.

But this is more than a video. His is more than weight-loss. Hers is more than a ceremony. This is experiencing greatness as a something visceral, something intrinsic that has found its way to the surface, rather than as a hypothetic benchmark to be achieved. It’s there- in each and every one of us in everything we do: be it finishing our pushups or hitting record; the potential for greatness is there.

Watching this, I must say thank you to the amazing creative team of Thom Smalley and Tess Garneau. I am filled with such a deep sense of gratitude for how inspired I am by this “work.” (Meaning- thanks for staying until 3am and getting back up at 630am for the main shoot and accepting fried eggs and toast as payment.) You guys are amazing. Korea, Kaizen, Simon and I are better people by knowing you.

Thank you to all of our patient and hard-working participants! You didn’t have to and it’s awesome that you did!!!!! You’re all stars!

Finally, thank you to our dedicated members. You are our story. Thank you for giving us your energy, effort and understanding of what we’re trying to create. We see all the greatness you create for yourself and share with others and know that we’re on the right track. Thanks for sticking with us and continuing to grow and learn together.


Mindy and Simon
