Getting Married in South Korea

I recently read this post on Reuters about Getting Married in South Korea? Bring a lot of cash! and these are the few things I get to learn from this post about the lifestyle and living standards of Koreans.

  1. Average annual household income in South Korea as per the post above is around 48.3 million Korean Won – $48,000 annually.
  2. In South Korea a couple wanting to get married needs lots of cash, nearly $200,000 – more than four times the average annual income.
  3. Korean society is very tightly knit, and people here are very concerned about how others view them. The wedding works as a status symbol, like a marker of where you stand in the society
  4. Korean couples take out loans or borrow money from their parents for a wedding
  5. Gift-giving and housing contribute towards the majority of the wedding expenses in Korea