Dear Korea #073 - Still Paranoid

Dear Korea #073

While this is something I’ve definitely experienced on more than one occassion (when hanging with an obviously foreign friend), the idea was actually give to me by a good friend of mine who just happened to experience something like this herself (thanks Nancy!).

I’m not sure if everyone will be able to relate to this one, but it’s one of those things I think many Americans like myself can understand. Where I come from, it’s not exactly ideal or recommended for women (or anyone in general) to walk the streets alone at night. It’s not something I like to think about often, especially since so many people I know back home have managed to get into negative situations, but it’s one of those thoughts that’s always lurking in the back of my mind when I’m heading home by myself in the dark (my neighborhood tends to empty out after the sun goes down). Needless to say, that sort of thinking tends to make things awkward when an older man stops me out of nowhere to ask me for directions, or to let me know that I’ve dropped something.

Now, I’m not saying that Korea is a completely crime-free country, but it’s definitely less noticeable than where I come from. I know experiences will vary from person to person, but the worst I’ve seen out here hasn’t really gone beyond drunk fights and bikes getting snatched up. I think the comfort of knowing that guns are illegal for civilians really helps keep the fear of getting robbed (or worse) at bay. It also seems like most people just don’t have any interest in committing petty street crimes (the honor system, perhaps?). That being said, I’m still trying to learn how to lower my guard without feeling completely vulnerable. It really is strange going from a place where I had to carry a knife with me (depending on where I went), to a country where I don’t have to worry about falling asleep in public places. For that, I truly do appreciate living here.

Anyways, that went down a dark path. Apologies for that.

Has anyone experienced any similarly awkward situations like these? If so, feel free to add them in the comments! I always love hearing stories from other people.

Jen Lee's Dear Korea

This is Jen Lee. She likes to draw.
She also likes green tea.

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