Dear Korea #072

Dear Korea #072

Yay! An actual comic! I swear, I’m doing what I can to get back on a semi-regular schedule. Now that vacations are over (Tokyo was awesome!) and typhoons have passed, here’s hoping things can be a little more normal. It’s the least I can try to do to protect everyone from my strange, nonsensical doodles.

Anyways, the situation in the comic is one I deal with more often than I’d like to admit. I shop for two people, and I also really enjoy cooking, so you can only imagine how quickly those grocery bags fill up. I came from a place where I drove around everywhere, so things like buying large amounts of stuff never turned out to be much of a problem. It wasn’t until I came to Korea I realized just how much I missed the convenience of having my own car. While the simple solution would be to just buy one, that’s a large investment for people that don’t plan on spending too much time in this country (or people like me who don’t make much money). Thank goodness for taxis. It also helps to have a little extra muscle around the place to help me carry the heavier things.

Maybe I should look into having my groceries delivered to me. Either that, or I should stop eating so much rice and things that come in heavy jars.

Jen Lee's Dear Korea

This is Jen Lee. She likes to draw.
She also likes green tea.

Got any questions, comments, or maybe even some delicious cookies you want to send through the internet? Feel free to contact us at dearkoreacomic at gmail dot com.

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