Day 41

On day 41, 2010, I went to Costco and had a taste of home... almost.

On day 41, 2005, I was unwrapping Christmas presents at Dad's and recovering from jetlag.

So, now it is official: I have officially been in Korea longer this time than I did five years ago. Glad that's finished, let's go home!

Day 42 will be celebrated by having to teach four fourth grade classes without my co-teacher because he has to do mandatory military service once every few months or something as part of Korean law. So, I get the homeroom teachers who may or may not speak five words combined of English. At least he left me a pretty comprehensive Powerpoint presentation that I can pretty much just run through for the whole class. There is that. Plus, tomorrow I start my newly regular Friday morning reading time with John teacher session on the school's closed circuit television station. I'll be reading Dr. Seuss' "Go, Dog, Go!" which I am pretty sure is the first book I ever read on my own. So, yeah, it's got meaning.

Day 41 was not profound by any means. It was another day teaching. I smoked, what a surprise, but I also met this with a more compassionate approach. I am not going to beat myself up anymore over these things. It does not make things better, it only makes me resent myself. And, I know I am a good person. So, why should I berate myself and make myself feel small? Will that help teach me not to smoke once and for all?

Pema Chodron's words help immensely. You can read some more of my thoughts about the Buddhist teacher here. I am starting her audiobook "Noble Heart" now. I slept through about three of four hours of the talk last night, on my way to sleeping for nearly ELEVEN HOURS. And when 6:30am rolled around, I still wanted to go back to sleep.

I kind of want to go to sleep now. Costco wore me out. I bought a three pound bag of coffee beans and I have no grinder and no French press. Let's hope I can find me some. For now, I'll just cozy up to the bright yellow body pillow I also just bought there...

—John Dunphy