Changdeok Palace: Day and Night

It was December 2008 when YouTube introduced the online community to widescreen and HD videos. While I had a miniDV camera at the time that shot HD, I really didn't use either of those functions. I thought to myself, "Why? No one can see it?" That all changed once YouTube went to HD. For the most part, since then I've been shooting most of my videos in HD or widescreen.

To test out these new enhancements to the Tube, I ventured out to Chandeok palace. It was the second of the Grand Palaces of Seoul I visited and also where I started changing my travel videos. While the body of the video reflects my old style, this video introduces the pre-roll and changes to narration.

When Jo arrived in 2009, Changdeok was on the list to go see, since the rear garden is magnificent. But somehow, we never got around to it. This all changed over the weekend.

Jo got word of the Moonlight Tour of Changdeok Palace. Since we had just purchased her Canon 60D, we thought it would be a great place to test out the night settings on her camera. We signed up and were all set to go. Even though there was a problem with actually sending money into the organizers, we got our confirmation and were sitting pretty. For about a week.

Jo got a message that our spots were eliminated because we hadn't paid. Luckily, she's a fighter and went to hell and back fighting for our spots. After what was probably hours of being bounced back and forth, she had new confirmations that we were, in fact, on the approved guest list.

Jo and I spent the entire day at Changdeok, walking the grounds by day, setting out for some Fried Chicken for dinner, and then returning for the two-hour tour. It was well worth it.

For the video experience, I elected to showcase images from both our cameras. Unfortunately, I was very lame and forgot tripods that day. I also chose a piece from Sonic Fire that I thought was pretty cool. The daytime segment features Introspective at normal speed with full instrumentation. The nighttime section also features the same tune, but slowed 20% and removing everything but lead guitars, bass, and drums.

The whole process was fun to put together and took two days. I hope you like this little outing. More adventures are coming! Stay tuned!