birthday book

Someone dear to me is turning 80!

Every aspect of who I am that loves and sees beauty is a result from this person. She has no fear in loving those otherwise not loved. She has no doubt in her beliefs. Her strength is to be admired. Her wisdom is endless. I would not know the meaning of unconditional love if it was not from her example.

So I made her this.

This is a birthday book, idea derived from here. Idea is, you take several notes and make a book out of them. I made a week’s worth of birthday cards, and reminders. Your birthday really should be celebrated the entire month. And Korea is wonderful for having the capsule notes, and insanely amazing stationary. It might have cost me $3 to make this. Probably $5 to ship and arrive in a week. Much Love from this small country.

Thanks again to Oh, hello friend: You are loved, truly inspiring blog.