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Korean Words Pronounced Differently Than They’re Written | Korean FAQ

Many Korean words are pronounced differently than they're written. For a beginner, this can be confusing. Even after applying sound change rules, there can be words which are not read how you'd expect.

This video will specifically cover a few words that are pronounced differently than they're written, including 닦다, 카페, 버스, 게임, 댄스, 서비사, 간단하다, 예요, and 자장면.

Putin is Turning Russia into North Korea– Isolated, Fascist, Loathed, Recklessly Waving Nukes Around, Domestically Repressive, Dependent on China, Led by a Corrupt Paranoiac

RussiaYeah, it’s a click-bait-y title, but it’s kinda true! Putin’s foolish war is turning Russia into a hated, isolated country with a lot of the same problems as North Korea, just on a larger scale.

This is a repost of an essay I wrote for

Here is my punch-line comparing the two:
