The Ha Ha Hole, Busan's Only Stand Up Comedy Open Mic @ HQ KSU


Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 21:00


Event Type: 


Maybe you've been before and you loved it! Maybe you've been before and you loathed it! Maybe you've never been before and are in dire need to feel something about it! Whatever part of our dumb Venn diagram you fall into, we want you at HQ Kyungsung on Saturday night for Busan's only stand-up comedy open mic, The Ha Ha Hole!

The sign up sheet for comics goes out at 9:00, so plan accordingly. Show starts at 9:30. Comics are given 7 minutes to bring the audience to its feet... whether it's to cheer you or get out the projectiles of their choice is based on you. 

And as always, the Ha Ha Hole is absolutely free! This leaves you with more money to spend on alcohol or food or something more positive in your life!

This month's Hole is hosted by Entertainer of the Stars, John Meyerriecks!