Enter Busandman with Millstone Grit (plus Genius) @ Vinyl Underground


Friday, August 24, 2012 - 22:00


Event Type: 




This will be your last chance to see Enter Busandman play head-smashing rock and metal from all of Metallica’s good albums.

You’ll probably be in KSU on Friday anyway, so fuck it, just come down and touch the grass on the other side.

Steve Clarke, who is frankly fucking phenomenal, is buggering off to South America or some shit, so if you have any interest in seeing us turn flesh into steel onstage or something equally histrionic, then come.

We’ll be setting fire to two full sets, and these are hard fucking songs, so… yeah.

Heating up the joint will be the sexy Millstone Grit, who have more talent in their assholes than I do in my whole ass.

No cover.