Da Megook Movement @ Basement


Friday, June 17, 2011 - 22:00


Event Type: 


The boys from Gwangju are in Busan not once, but twice this month. The first show is at Basement near PNU. If you haven't seen them before these guys have had successful shows at Metal City in Seomyeon and the Blue Monkey Bar in the Kyungsung University area. They have played alongside Seoul MCs Pinnacle The Hustler and Black Ilumin and they have proven that they can perform the fullest. THESE GUYS ARE ONES NOT TO MISS.

Also, performing will Busan's own Chad K. aka MC Fusion aka The Midnight Rider (on Busan's EFM 90.5), who will be opening up with his live hip-hop act that will get the crowd crunk and warmed up. He has been doing his DJ radio host thang as well and he will most def be blowing up soon.

Copies of their release "Listen and Repeat" will be available for 5,000 won as well as copies of DJ Hypnotiq's mixtape will be available.