About this Site
When I moved to Korea in 2005, there was no information in English on the wines available, decent wine bars and wines that were affordable. This blog aims to change that. Korean food and wine pairing is especially exciting and I hope that this will continue to grow as a trend. So there will be plenty of talk about Korean food pairing on this blog.
This blog is non commercial. I make no money from it and I intend it keep it that way. I have no commercial interest in any of the wines reviewed here.
Wine is primarily about people, its stories, shared passion and friendships. I hope this blog will serve as a forum for learning and love of wine.
Joshua Hall
Re: WineKorea
Mr. Hall!
What an excellent blog! It reads like a magazine. My wife and I often purchase wine here in Korea and find the selection quite daunting. I like how you actually have very detailed tasting notes in your reviews. Something I aspire to do with my tea reviews.
Your blog really fills a gaping information gap here in Korea; making shopping for wine that much more fun and way more convenient.
P.S. If you get a chance, do check out my humble blog, a site for teahouse reviews and more:
Re: WineKorea