On 11.11.11., who will survive the Millennium Pepero Day? Credits: (in order of appearance) Mikyung Cho - 조미경 Michael Aronson - 마익흘 Matt Lee - 이상근 Hyunwoo Sun - 선현우 Composed by Ron Wasserman Arranged by 마익흘 and Isaac RFK Intro by 마익흘, main theme performed and programmed by Isaac RFK All the tedious and mindnumbing editing work by 마익흘
From: p00lman
Views: 72
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Time: 03:38 More in Comedy

Name:  Michael 마익흘 Aronson

I'm an American Korean rock star, sort of. I write songs, make music videos, play instruments, talk about Korea, and do other fun and crazy stuff. Oh, and I know everything about English grammar.
If you have any questions, comments, compliments, criticism, or you're just really bored, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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