Korean Law 101 Season 2 with attorney Hyungju Yoon

Korean Law 101

For legal consultation, you may contact me via my email or my kakaotalk channel. 
I prefer kakaotalk channel. http://pf.kakao.com/_xjDnmxb 

You can find me with a search term koreanlaw101 in kakao. 

My email address is [email protected]

--- My English website: https://lawyer4expats.modoo.at/ 

(I am a lawyer practicing in Gwangju, Korea. I work with expats and Korean clients. I have been admitted to Korean bar since 2005, and Connecticut bar (US) since 2015) 

You can reach me via my email at [email protected] if you need legal assistance. 
I offer fee-based legal service only to maintain the quality of my work and keep my life balanced. 

My Korean blog: https://blog.naver.com/jesunglaw 

-- Disclaimer -- Please be aware that as my Youtube contents is only for the general information use and somewhat brief for video purpose, I am not responsible for any legal consequences that occur due to your reliance on my legal contents for your own case. Please consult with an experienced lawyer including myself for your individual case. Please Like and Subscribe my Youtube channel. Thanks! For further legal consultation, please contact me at [email protected]

https://linktr.ee/hyunjoo.ahn (미국 로스쿨과 변호사에 대한 자료는 이 곳으로!) 

효율적인 바시험 준비를 원하신다면! 안현주 변호사의 Compact Bar Review 안내 (미국 로스쿨 수업 및 바시험 대비 온라인 강의) https://www.notion.so/Ahn-s-Compact-B...

저를 포함한 개업 변호사 21명과 마케터 1명이 함께 공저한 책 super 1인 변호사는 아래 링크에서 구입가능합니다! 
자유롭고 유연한 요즘 변호사들의 업무 이야기 보러 오세요!