Abe Visits Yasukuni - A big win in Japan?

Yesterday, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the controversial Yasukuni Shrine. The visit immediately drew criticism from South Korea and China, as well as the United States. So why did Abe visit Yasukuni? Time will reveal Abe's ultimate goal, but he has repeatedly said he would visit the shrine before the year's end. As he tries to push through various constitutional reforms, the visit might rally domestic support against South Korea and China and make his task easier. Yasukuni Shrine: http://youtu.be/uihTRnIxLtg -= WEB SITES =- G+: http://google.com/+SteveMiller_QiRanger Twitter: http://twitter.com/qiranger Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/qiranger Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/qirangeradventures Instagram: http://instagr.am/qiranger Blog: http://qiranger.com The Travel and News Channel: http://youtube.com/qiranger The Vlog Channel: http://youtube.com/theqirangervlog Podcast: http://qiranger.com/tqrap TAGS: Yasukuni Shrine (Building),Tokyo,Japan,South Korea,China,News,Opinion,Shinzo Abe,Abe,Abe visits yasukuni
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