마익흘's full review of MOTHER 마더 (2009)

From: p00lman
Views: 412
9 ratings
Time: 03:24More in Comedy


Name:  Michael 마익흘 Aronson

I'm an American Korean rock star, sort of. I write songs, make music videos, play instruments, talk about Korea, and do other fun and crazy stuff. Oh, and I know everything about English grammar.
If you have any questions, comments, compliments, criticism, or you're just really bored, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Blog: http://www.timetorocktheworld.com
Naver Blog: http://blog.naver.com/hdefined
 Facebook: www.facebook.com/maigheul/
Cyworld: www.cyworld.com/hdefined
 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hdefined