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Darwin, Microbes, and Medicine

Ironically, one of the most topical - because of the A/H1N1 scare- obtuse - due to medical terminology - and hilarious presentations of this series all at once. Robert Siegelt's introduction made this more entertaining than it might ordinarily have been. Excuse me now, but I'm going to take inventory [...]

Forget North Korea on Huntsman's Watch

Two unsettling claims are presented in this TNR love letter to Utah's Republican governor, Jon Huntsman. Firstly, the Obama administration will continue to paint the GOP as the Cheney-Limbaugh party. Huntsman nomination for ambassador to PRC ensures, that a moderate Republican with the chops to challenge President Barack H. Obama in 2012 is out of [...]

Korea Ranked Fifth in OECD for Broadband

As I sit here tweeting, The Economist reminds me ROK is the fifth-ranked country for broadband subscriptions in the OECD, and they're fairly cheap. Yet, what's missing is a demographic or geographic breakdown of those subscribers. Once again, thse graphs are little more than raw material for propaganda. Powered by ScribeFire. alternate frame of change©2009 Left [...]

Roh Moo-Hyun's Death Clouded in Scandal, Uncertainty

Final Update (3:20): I thought this headline tactless, but it's supposedly accurate. And, amid all the anti-Roh sentiment, with which I agree, I'm conflicted. Is one suicide a just price to endure for a family alleged to have committed felonious acts? In the end, and to end on a hopeful note: Perhaps it’s time for a [...]

Don't Let Honda Insight Take the Bullet for the Auto Industry

I don't know why Hyundai is in particular danger of attracting Jeremy Clarkson's displeasure - aside from the Accent and a few nasty words amid the praise, Clarkson's recent reviews of Hyundai autos are positive - Clarkson's assault on the Honda Insight is really an assault on automakers.But let me be clear that hybrid [...]

A Little Bit of Kim's Ass to Entertain Us

The Economist's editorial cartoon is hilarious, yet hardly accurate. If only regional states were walking the other way! There's always a sequel to the last comedy. It's not infuriating enough that Pyongyang is so adept at infuriating, but that no other government in the world is competent enough at least to lampoon the stunts. North Korean [...]


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