The Year is Done!

Ladies and gentlemen! It is here! Christmas! Well, for folks on the other side of the world, that is. Jo and I had a great day at home, rather than exploring Korea. After all, staying inside is a whole lot better than braving the -14C weather that we're experiencing.

However, we did do some amazing things! First, we played several rounds of Go Stop. It's a great flower card game that originated in Japan. We first learned how to play the game at William Cho's when making kimchi. I think I can say that both Jo and I can play the game without looking at the instructions. We aren't perfect, but have a great time playing. (NOTE: We don't know all the special rules, so we're just playing the basic game.)

After we finished playing, Jo and I ventured out to Überpolis to see Harry Potter 7 (part 1). It was a nice little film. I remember reading the book several years ago and was pleased with the adaptation. I forget how many pages the book was, but I knew that they were going to have a rough time with this one unless they either made it a 5-hour movie or broke it into two parts. Looks like they heeded both my suggestions.

From there, we headed back to Mr. Big for a king size burger! Normally we get the fries when devouring these massive slabs of beef, but since it was Christmas, we wanted something a little different. Jo and I opted for the CRAZY POTATOES! This turned out to be a massive bowl of four different kinds of french fries and chicken strips. It was amazing.

Metapolis Lights
After dinner we came home to watch A Christmas Story. I think it's probably the best Christmas movie out there. Jo enjoyed it, but didn't share the same passion I have for the film. I still think I could watch it time and a time again. I just love little Ralphie!
We rounded out our evening with a few more games of Go Stop before I hopped on UStream for a live show with Mully.

So there you have our Christmas. What did you do? I'd really like to know. Please leave a comment down below. Jo and I are off to the Philippines today and won't return until January. From then on, we have a busy filming and posting schedule. In fact, all videos are planned and queued through most of February! I'm so excited about the next two months of shooting. I think we've come up with some really amazing ideas!

To borrow a line from my good friend Rey: Peace and love, baby! See you all in 2011!