Why Sarah Palin is so popular?

It’s interesting to think that in the last two and a half men, I mean two and a half years, Sarah Palin has gone from being a virtual UNKNOWN to becoming one of these most famous American females on the political stage. The question isn’t so much WHY but WHO? Who is supporting Sarah Palin?

Let’s see. Women must be in support of Sarah Palin because she is…wait, most women I know do not support Sarah Palin. Most women I know HATE Sarah Palin and all she stands for.  How about ethnic minorities: Blacks, Mexicans, Asian-Americans, do they support Sarah Palin? No they don’t. So WHO is the biggest supporter of Sarah Palin?

White men! White men are the main supporters of Sarah Palin. Why? Because white men are scared. White people are no longer the majority in America. The Moral Majority of the Bible Belt is no longer what it was, now that Jerry Falwell is no longer at the helm.  Falwell died in 2007.  Remember after 9-11 when Falwell blamed the Gays and Minorities of NYC for 'bringing it on themselves!"  Falwell was quite the uniter of peoples.  Uniting one group against another.  

" I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."

Isn't that called Fascism, from the Latin fascis which means bundle?  May that son of a bitch Rest in Peace. 

2010 is the first year that white babies did NOT top the list of babies born in America, meaning that – there were more minorities born in America than Whites, as of this year, 2010.  It's been that way in Los Angeles and NYC for sometime, but those numbers have finally topped the National count.  That’s a scary thing for White People. 

Obama is in the White House. Obama is not White. That’s a scary thing for White People. 

Football legend Brett Favre NOT ONLY returned to the NFL after retiring, but Favre allegedly sent a photo of his penis to some girl 26 year model, not his wife, that he was wooing.  Apparently, before the photo was sent, Favre sent this model numerous text messages.  When the young model did not heed his advances, he sent a pic of his penis to her cell phone, hoping that would win her over.  It didn't. 

White men don't have the power they once had. For that, they are scared.  For that, they are latching onto Sarah Palin.  Why?  Cuz Palin epitomizes the STUPID AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE which white men find so comforting. Why do some white women back Palin? Cuz they ARE stupid American housewives, who look to their husbands for their identity.  "I'm Mrs. Dr. Pepper.  Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too?"

Let’s look at American demographics before 1800. There were over just over 5 million Americans living in the then much smaller United States. Since the US Census began in 1780, the figures are fairly accurate.  According to the 1800 Census Count there were one million slaves and non-whites.  Since this period just followed the Revolutionary War when many men were killed in battle; children, that is, boys and girls under age 16 were in the majority. There were nearly two million of them!  Which leaves about a million white men, and a million white women. Of those one million white men over the age of 16 (the then age of consent) ONLY landowning men were allowed to vote, so that meant that far less than 20% of the entire population WERE ALLOWED TO VOTE!  That policy continued for over 100 years.

It is often said, these days, by political pundits, that if ONLY WHITE MEN COULD VOTE in the 2012 election, Sarah Palin would surely win the Presidential election, should she run. That’s a scary thing. And she probably will run. Perhaps Dan Qualye will be her running mate. No, it couldn’t be some pretty boy dunce.  Palin's running mate would most surely be a bully, the football team’s captain or some other Americana Favorite.  And if only WHITE MEN could vote, then I guess I will do like Tiny Fey says.

Tiny Fey, speaking on behalf of the possibility that  Sarah Palin becomes the next President of the US.

“If she wins, I’m done. I can’t do that for four years. And by ‘I’m done,’ I mean I’m leaving Earth.”

I don’t think Sarah Palin is stupid at all. She knows exactly what she is doing. And when TIME magazine publishes such winning clips like, “The current Republican vice-presidential candidate is shaping up to be not only a celebrity, but a sex symbol, according to popular Internet searches,” I wonder what the heck I’m doing back in the good ol' USA.

It surely explains all the Faggotty-Anne emasculated, yet NOT HOMOSEXUAL characters, so prevalent on American TV like Two and a Half Men's pathetic single father, Alan Harper.  American men are going to be so repulsed by the effeminate male Metrosexual than they will latch on to Palin and whatever meathead the Republicans assign as her running mate.  Mark my words.  That's the plan, people. 

Reagan and Bush Jr. were two of the WORST US President's ever. But Stupid White Men, to quote Michael Moore's book, the MORAL MAJORITY of America continue to love them.  Why?  Cuz Reagan and Bush Jr. NEVER made anybody feel stupid.  They remind/ed White Americans of the power they once had.  Losing power is a scary thing.

Thank you to Bill Maher for his brilliant research and top notch comedy.