
Hello Readers,

Yes. I'm a day ahead of most of you, but here in SK, it's Thanksgiving day.

Today is a slow day at work, and these past few weeks especially I've been giving a lot of thought to my life and what I myself am all about.

And I find that I am thankful.

I am thankful for my tendency to run headlong into things, with passion, and with determination. Though a few times this habit of mine has lead me down the wrong road, I learn... I grow... and become less reckless, yet more passionate, about the decisions that I make.

My journey in life has molded and shaped me into a better woman and a better person, and I find that I regret nothing. I am thankful for the strength God has granted me to bounce back, to keep going, to be undeterred by failures or mistakes. I am thankful for the same God granted willpower to keep moving forward, to keep my passion, to keep at least some of my reckless abandon intact.

Maybe I can't claim ownership to the most practical thought processes known to man, but no one will ever be able to say "She hasn't ever done anything, really."

I am thankful for the strength I had, and am maintaining, to CHANGE MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER, by taking control of my health. I'm thankful for the success and the support I've experienced from my journey to a healthier body and mind.

I am thankful for my FAMILY who, despite disagreeing with me at times, ALWAYS supports me, ENCOURAGES me, and LOVES me. I know that I am NEVER alone. I have been and continue to be SO BLESSED by the family God gave me. I don't think any other family in this world could have handled me. :)

I am thankful for the FRIENDS who have stuck by me through the years. Despite any flaws they may have discovered in me or my personality, they have loved, they have endured, and they have enriched my life more than they will ever know or understand. Continually, every day, I find new blessings in their friendship and their love.

I am thankful for every opportunity I've been given, and I am thankful for the opportunities that still present themselves to me.

I am thankful for a God who has never, not even once, given up on me. Even when I was ready to give up on myself.

Thank you GOD for never turning your back on me in my troubles, for always guiding me through the storm, for never leaving me lonely or wanting, for always keeping me up on my feet, ready to go, ready to conquer, ready to continue dreaming, growing, and loving.

I know that I haven't been the most bragworthy daughter, Lord. I know that there are many times when I wander off, when I don't listen, when I do things my way instead of yours. I know that I have come to you a million times over asking forgiveness for the SAME THINGS. Any person would refuse to forgive, but you, father, no... you accept me back every time. You heal me every time. Then, despite what most would consider better judgement, you give me yet another chance.

I can always find you, God. And no matter how far away I've wandered, and even run at times, I'm always surprised to find you standing right next to me when I reach out in fear and confusion.

I AM THANKFUL! More than I could ever express.

Today is Thanksgiving. And today, though there is no turkey at my table...uh, and though I have no table really to call my own anyway... and though I am thousands of miles away from the family and friends that love and care for me, I feel extreme, deep, indescribable thankfulness. And even when I don't express it, I feel it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every moment of my life the thankfulness is there, welling up inside of me, glowing brightly even in the darkness.

I celebrate this day with joy.

THANK YOU GOD! THANK YOU for blessing me with all of those reasons I have to remain thankful every day.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Until next post,
