Thank you!

Well here we are! The time has come and the voting in Round Two of the Paradise Hunter competition has ended. It's been a roller-coaster ride these past few days as I've seen many people rise in the ranks. I'm not sure what the end result will be, but this is what I do know:

1) Between now and January 4, 2011, the show's producers will review the votes to make sure they're all legit and move the five most popular candidates into the finals.

2) The producers will select 5 other entrants (based on their own criteria) to round out the final ten.

3) The finalists will be announced on January 4, 2011. I know I'm not in the top five for votes, so if I make it to the final round, it will be based on the producers' selection.

Thank you to everyone that has shared the voting link and taken the time to vote. It's been great to see all my friends come out to support me. I really do appreciate it. To help people keep better track of everything I do, I've launched a new FaceBook page. The QiRanger Adventures page will have my videos, some photos, discussions, etc. It will also be an easy place for everyone to receive reminders about voting, should I make it into the final round.

Tomorrow, I'll announce my Project For Awesome organization. It's one I've had dealings with over the past few years and really enjoy working with. Then, three more adventure videos before a week off for Christmas!

Thanks for all your support!