Sushi in Seoul @ Dan Sushi, Nonhyun, Gangnam-gu.

Sushi is one of my favorite foods, it's tasty, it's packed with nutrition and is fun. Well it is for me anyway because I like having lots of little dishes in a meal. In Korea though Sushi can be vastly different from the kind of sushi that is my favorite. I've been to sushi bars with fish heads going round, definitely not my thing! I've been to sushi places with no sushi bar at all, just a menu at the table. To me half the fun of sushi is watching the plates pass you by and getting to pick out your next dish. I also kind of like the excitement of waiting for the dish I've spotted to reach me, not knowing if someone else will whip it off the belt before it does.
One Sushi place that does meet my sushi requirements is 'Dan Sushi'. It has all the rolls I love, tempura items, a menu in English (always makes life easier) and a sushi belt to boot! Oh, and it tastes pretty delicious too. Their food has always been fresh when I've visited and nothing has that scary sat-on-the-belt-a-tad-too-long look. Do you know what I'm talking about? The kind of look that makes you a bit skeptical as to whether eating it might pose some problems for you later on.
One of my faves at this place is their salmon rolls (maki). Does anyone who goes for sushi not like salmon rolls?

It comes with a generous serving of salmon which is always beneficial to a salmon roll. You'd be surprised at the small quantity of salmon I've had on some salmon rolls. You can ask for these to be made without all the sauce on top if you prefer your sushi a little plainer.

This is a crispy prawn roll. Also a favorite of mine here.

I hadn't actually had beef like this in a sushi place before I came to Korea but I order one ever time I go now. It's called 'Marbling Beef Sushi' on the menu if you fancy trying it.

A few of the other dishes I like to have when I go here are the salmon nigiri and tempura. They offer a choice of sweet potato, shrimp, or mixed vegetable tempura. All are good and the batter is really crispy.

They also serve you a complimentary salad and soup. On the table there is soy sauce, wasabi, pickled onions and Gari (sweet pickled ginger)

The restaurant itself is nothing special but it's clean and serves its purpose. It has an area in the middle where the chefs prepare the sushi and the belt runs around that. There's several seats which are 'bar' style around the belt and they also have booths that seat 4 to 6 people.

So if you've been made peckish for some sushi by reading this I guess it'd be fair of me to tell you where it is.

How to find Dan Sushi...

Dan Sushi is located between Hak-dong station and Gangnam-gu Office which are on line 7.  It's on the corner of the crossroad to the left side of the Imperial Palace Hotel above a car showroom.

View Dan Sushi in a larger map

From the street you're looking for this:


As always I hope you enjoy it! Leave me a comment if you visit and please follow this blog. If you want to get updates about new places on your Facebook then please add me as a friend, the link is on the right --->

That's all for now, I'm off to find a snack, all this food blogging makes me hungry!


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