Sushi Boats and Trains

I have really big news and some major changes to announce later in the week.  I really can’t wait to share, but just a few more days.  Until then, I present another taste of Japan.

The last meal I ate in Japan may have been one of the more stereotypically Japanese, or at least one of the more expected meals- Conveyor Belt Sushi.

I had a lot of time at the airport and figured nothing would be better than leaving Japan with a belly full of sushi.  Plus who doesn’t like food delivered to you on a little train?

Instead of the kind of place where you pick up whatever you want as it makes its way down the line, this restaurant used a touch screen.  You could search by price or type, and even check on how much longer until the delicious train, which is actually looked like a boat, was going to arrive at your station (or harbor).

I love the sign right below the sushi train’s track.

And even though I was at the airport, the quality of the fish was great and the price was reasonable. I will admit I made multiple orders- mostly tuna because it was so good.

I also tried Natto because I had heard about it from a few people on my trip, but hadn’t had a chance to taste the fermented soybeans people were talking about.  Sadly, it was not near as good as the tuna.  It’s in the picture above on the top right, and the flavor was so strong that I couldn’t eat it.  I love blue cheese, and other strong foods, but I learned Natto is not for me.  Thankfully it wasn’t that pricey and I can chalk up one more thing to experience. Everything else was fantastic.

If I ever find myself in the Osaka airport I know where I’m going to eat.

From Busan with Sushi Love,

From Roam with Love