Surprises at Hanji Class

 My hanji teacher had a bunch of new creations to show me today at hanji class.  These two boxes she made using silk scraps.  All the panels are silk and the borders are hanji paper.
                                              The inside of each box was also hanji paper.

                       This was a white plaster figurine that my teacher covered with Japanese hanji paper.
 She also made this light using a empty cardboard roll that she had garbage picked then covered with hanji paper.  She added maedeup cording by pressing pins into the circumference of the roll and wrapping the cording in a pattern.  She told me she made this all up.  It was so beautiful and I was amazed at her talent.
                                            This is a closer look at the cording.
                                                      She also did a smaller one.
                                                             And an even smaller one.
She also make this using bojagi fabric.  I wish I knew how she did that.
 I finished my latest hanji project.  I spent classtime giving it two coats of varnish.  You have to go slow so you don't have drips.
 I also had to do each drawer.  I finished and she used a blow dryer to dry it enough for me to bring it home.  I have to let it dry overnight with the drawers open so they don't stick.  I'll take a final picture for you to see tomorrow.
 My favorite hanji gal was back from her trip to Beijing.  She went to visit her daughter who lives there and she was also in an exhibition.  It was an international exhibition with works from all over the world.  It was hanji, bojagi and chasu so she bought me a book of all the works that were displayed.  WooHoo!!!!
                                                     Here are a couple of bojagi works.

She also bought me this pendant.  It is beautiful and I was so touched that she thought of me.  Am I spoiled or what here in Korea?!!!