SuChin Pak and Hester Street Fair featured in V Magazine

Ending up stuck with the same activity week in and week out can make a person wonder where all the fun has gone in life. One day, you find yourself walking along the streets of the Lower East Side, NYC, and you stumble upon a whimsical poster reading, “Hester Street Fair Open Every Saturday 10-6.” A few steps in and you see handmade skin care products, trendy fashion pieces, and food you’ve only dreamt about. What is this magical place?

The Hester Street Fair is a constantly changing market of local goods and foods started up by MTV News correspondent SuChin Pak, her brother Suhyun, and partners Adam and Ron. After noticing “the small markets being swallowed up by high rent and fancy buildings,” they decided to start-up the unique fair. In a recent interview with V Magazine, Pak, who admits she is a “flea market junkie,” explained her role in creating this new-age street fest:

Our co-op, Seward Park Co-op asked residents to reimagine an unused lot on Essex Street that had been sitting empty for over thirty years. We immediately saw our chance and it all came about quite quickly from there. We thought, at first, it would be as simple as renting booth spaces to people who wanted to sell their wares. Now it’s more like we’re an incubator for businesses. Many of our vendors sell for the first time at Hester and then go on to open up shops of their own. It’s been incredibly satisfying to watch people quit their day jobs, pursue their passion and make a living doing it. To be a part of that in any way is always the most surprising and fulfilling thing about running the street fair.

Join the movement: visit the fair every Saturday on the Lower East Side from 10am-6pm. For more info, go to:

Check out Microsoft’s short film on SuChin and the Hester Street Fair:

[Photos David Black/V Magazine]