Spotlight Blog: Allrecipes

So, it is time for another spotlight blog. This site is my absolute all-time, go-to blog when I need a trustworthy recipe. Why? Because not only does each recipe get rated by users, but there are also comments on how each person modified the recipe or what they did or did not like about the original recipe posted. You can find pretty much any recipe you might want.
How I use all-recipes to my best advantage:
1. Type the recipe I am looking for in the search box.
2. When the results appear, I click the blue "rating" tab above the results. (this gives you the best rated recipes within your search category)
3. I read the first few reviews of each recipe, as well as the ingredients and make my choice based on what looks best for my tastebuds... I also tend to combine the best of a couple recipes.... but that is up to you and your willingness to experiment in the kitchen.
4. I put the recipe in my "recipe box" (as a free member) for future reference and write down any modifications I like from reviews or recipe combinations.
5. Then I get busy in the kitchen. :)

A few other neat features of Allrecipes is that you can search by ingredients... which means that if you have a can of corn, an onion and a leftover chicken breast that you need to use up soon, you simply enter in the ingredients in the spaces provided and see what you get. (then I would recommend hitting that "rating" tab again... just to make sure you are getting the best options!)
Allrecipes recently added a menu planning option as well, which plans out menus for you! (I think there is a small cost involved though, so you would have to check into that.)
And of course, if you sign up for free, you get a recipe box, which comes in handy if you find a few recipes you want to try later but don't have the time or energy to write out the recipes and find a place to store them. (If you don't want to sign up, you can also just hit the print button that is available on each recipe)
So go explore the wonderful world of and enjoy!

~Ovenless Chef