Alright you can check out the video of my trip from Busan to Changnyeong in South Korea. The trip in total was 304 kms. I rode the #25 highway to Changnyeong and back. On the trip I checked out an 18th century Ice house, the Changnyeong Museum, Upo wetlands, the Bak Jin War Memorial and a mountain park. A super special thanks to Claudio Sepulveda for his advice and grading. The best colorist in Vancouver! By the end of the day I have compiled 2-4 hours of footage on two cameras. I then cut that footage into the five minute video you see here.
The video features creative commons music by She swings, She sways- What I wouldn’t do featured on
My best impersonation of a Korean hiker!
A frog I ran into during my mountain hike.
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