South Korea Adventure #18- Yangsan 양산

We headed out to Yangsan, which I guess technically is a suburb of Busan. It is on the subway line. I have ridden through several times but have never tried to do anything there before. As it's getting cold we decided a short ride would be better. Also we had a third rider with us. It was first time to ride in South Korea. Our day started off slow, but we ended up going to Tongdosa first. It's one of the more popular Buddhist temples. We ate at a restaurant across from the temple. It was really good. We had this dish of ginger root that was prepared with a spicy sauce. It was really delicious. At the temples I usually take pictures of the signs that have English information. Maybe I will use it later when I do some voiceover for the video. Sometimes I don't read the signs till I am editing the video. This time I ended up learning a lot. On the way in we thought that Tongdosa was maybe popular because it was easy to get to. You don't have to climb the side of a mountain to get there. The actual reason is that the temple contains actual relic of Buddha. There was this courtyard where people kept walking around and around in. I could not figure out why, but now I know. It was where they store the relics. I wish we would have realized that while we were there. Even though it is really close our trip back to Yangsan was long. It took an hour and a half. The traffic was terrible. Moshin who wrote with us got his first taste of Busan traffic. I also introduced him to riding in the traffic and how to cut around the traffic jams. He survived.