Sketch & The City 2012: Spring Outing

The view: A crowded urban exterior in the place called Itaewon.
                                The set up: Easel, art pad, watercolor pencils...

The progress:

Other view:

On Saturday, May 19th, I participated in the first Sketch and the City event for 2012, near the Jankura studio space in Itaewon. I came a little late but had enough time to set up and make something. It was a lovely spring day, with a cool breeze and sunny weather. 

People passing by enjoyed admiring the works in progress, making comments and saying "Wow!" It was a good time and gave me practice.

The final work:

Using watercolor pencils has been a fun new tool I've picked up, but I kind of missed using paint during this event. However, I'm still getting the hang of this medium, so we'll see.

Even if you don't have much experience with drawing or painting, I recommend joining the Sketch and the City events as a way to enjoy the Seoul scene.