Shopping {Vegan} in Busan – Soy Milk

Shopping {Vegan} in Busan – Soy Milk

There are a range of soy milks in South Korea and fortunately they’re not hard to find. Most convenience stores and corner shops will carry at least one variety, but if you’re looking for the best here are my recommendations.

Soymilk from Maeil comes in a liter package at 650 kcal. It does not contain any animal products . It’s low in sugar, keeps for years and does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, making it perfect for the eminent zombie attack. It’s a little thick and creamy as I’ve come to expect from most nut and bean milks. I use it for mousse cakes, creamy sauces or in a hot chocolate.

You can find Maeil soymilk in most supermarkets (Emart, Homeplus) and privately owned mini markets for 1,500 ~ 2,500 won.

But my favourite is the soymilk from Pulmone.

There’s no added sugar, it’s comparatively low in calories and it pours, tastes and bakes like cow’s milk. It’s the best substitute for cow’s milk that I’ve ever come across. Even my vegetarian friends can’t tell the difference. It will keep for a week in the refrigerator. I simply love this milk; My only qualm is the with plastic packaging.

You can find Pulmone’s soymilk in supermarkets large and small. But I have yet to see any in a convenience store (7-11, Family Mart) or in a mom and pop owned mart.  It costs between 1,500- 2,700 won.

The reason I share this information with you is that sometimes sneaky brands will actually put cows milk into the soy milk products. This goes for ‘soy yogurt’ and other soy products too. They advertise that the product contains soy, not that it is pure soy without traces of cows milk.
A savvy vegan in South Korea
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