Seoul Drum Festival 2011

Before moving here, I used to watch Visit Korea advertisement which features few hot girls playing drums ala Angelina Jolie in the movie Tomb Raider.
(Okay, I may exaggerated a little)

I was in awe and wanted to watch the real concert, and imagine my excitement when this festival was held today.

Yesterday event was the opening ceremony for Seoul Drum Festival 2011.
There were 3 foreign country performing : China, Japan, and Australia.
As for Korea, there were several performer, which one of them is Drum Cat.

Apparently, something similar to the women with drum advertisement is called Drum Cat.
(You can Google Drum Cat Korea)
I was not disappointed at all when I watched the live performance.
Pretty and skillful, I would say.
Not to mention sexy, and my husband didn't even blink an eye watching them.
Let's wait until Rain concert, darling..

Anyway, all of the performance were amazing.
It's full of energy and some old men and women were swaying from left to right following the beat.
(I won't say it's dancing)
Lots of people; local and expats attended the event.

Apart from Drum cat, I am really impressed with Pungmul Nori performance.
Full of stamina and energy.
And yet, they can still smile!
Amazing, not even a single panting.
I could not imagine if I were in their position.

Sorry guys, I did not take any performance picture as I left my camera at home.
Other pictures were taken by my humble camera phone.

With one of the Japanese performer

You can still watch the event as it will last until this Sunday, 25th September 2011.
Check out their programs and location.