Relaxing Your Everything Here, at ‘Taejongdae’_1

1. Yeongdo-gu Taejongdae

 I was very ignorant at geography, so of course I couldn’t read maps during my school days, and I would always get the worse grade on the subject called Korean geography. Moreover I have absolutely no sense in direction. In one word, I am the world’s greatest fool on ‘roads.’ I had been living at Haeundae for about ten years as a babe in the woods, and I started going to another borough only after I had started traveling, and this was my first time to Youngdo-gu. I think I have heard the name ‘Youngdo’ sometime ago, but I thought it was an island somewhere faraway, and oh my, I never thought it would be in the same Busan. (Don’t blame me for being idiotic. I know that myself and I’m so embarrassed about it….) Youngdo is a region of islands at the very south of Busan, and they are connected to Busan with the Busan Bridge, Youngdo Bridge and the Namhang Bridge. And the whole island plays its role as a breakwater of the Busan harbor. The specialty of this island which has nice scenery and atmosphere is the Taejongdae! Taejongdae got its name from being the playing field of the King Muyeol, Taejong of Silla, and it is famous for the sea cliff which is formed with dense forest, strange rocks and bizarre stones. The sea cliff is a cliff that is formed at the coast by the erosion of nature. To go there you can take the buses no. 8,30,66,88 starting from Nampo-dong or Joongang-dong headed for Youngdong Brigde, and since it is the last stop you can relax and enjoy your ride. I think it took about 30~40 minutes from Nampo-dong by bus, and it was in the afternoon so I dozed off, but as the sea got closer outside the window and the sequestered view spread out, I suddenly found myself awake.