Rainy Day in Seoul

 Rocketman is flying out to Japan on Sunday and has to work Chuseok which is Monday and Tuesday here in South Korea so he took today off as one of his holidays.  We went into Seoul with a few things in mind:  Kyobi Bookstore (much less crowded on a week day), Insadong to buy some hanji paper and Itaewon for lunch.  We usually always ride the green subway line but today we used a lot of different lines like the light blue line which had these lovely pictures on the doors.
 I wish I could have taken a picture of every door.  I'm not sure if all the doors have a different picture but it would be fun to see.
                     There was also these tables set up with people selling Chuseok gifts.
 We got back to Suwon in the early afternoon and I got a call from my yoga buddy, Mr. Choi.  I hadn't gone to yoga this week because I had so many classes and he had bought us a gift for Chuseok.  He brought it over while we were gone and left it with the apartment complext office.  I went down to find this.
It was a huge box filled with these Korean snacks.  I forgot what they are called but they are very light and with the taste of honey.

I also saw this Korean commercial trying to get Koreans to not be afraid to talk to foreigners.  They are doing this to prepare for the Winter Olympics in 2018.  I thought it was pretty cute: