Rain Concert 2011 (비) - Best Show in Seoul

For those who reads my past post, most of you will know that this is my first Korean concert.
Imagine my excitement heading to the concert.

Concert was held in Olympic Gymnasium, Olympic Park

I was amazed with audience that came.
It seems that not only Korean loves Rain, I spotted handful of westerners and fans from other part of Asia.
Rain or in Korea he is known as 비 (pronounce as B) will be joining mandatory army in Korea, and this will be his last concert.
(Don't worry as this will be temporary halt for two years only)

Spotted handful of old Ajumma (Married women) and Ajusshi (Married Men) who came.
And some monk too.
Some even participated in the dance moves.
They're cool, hats off!

The show was great.
Great energetic show with all the special lighting effect.
Yes, they had 3D laser lighting, fire works, water falling down, wind effect and so much more.
I feels like I am in the future concert. 

Oh, I managed to record his opening act.
Do video quality is not good; just giving some insight how it looks like. 

Of course, his main attraction - His sexy dance moves that makes all the girls go crazy.
Not to mention, he's good at teasing with the camera with his wink and his oh-so-melting smile.
Hubby had to close my eyes with his hand.
And kept complaining:

"why must he shake off his ass?"
"does he have to take off his shirt?"
"why is he dancing like that?"
"does the camera need to follow him to the changing room? Do they need to show that?"
and more why and why - while all the girls screaming excitedly.

Lesson learnt, never never tag your father/husband/fiance/boyfriend along.
Yes, I am a new fan.