The Rad City

If you create a really great reason for people to come out to dance, and drink, and get a little debaucherous they will, and they'll do it all with big smiles on their faces.


Rhylon made some talented Korean friends who make amazing things and they let us put some of their work up and around the bar.

Lhasa was first. They were wonderful ...  my photos weren't. Sometimes you do what you have to do for a bag full of disposable cameras and your friends. 

Their singer is one of those people you love to watch because he hasn't forgotten that it's perfectly alright to be very, very happy onstage when you're in a band.

As always, Vince put colours in the sky and made it all look better ...

Ps... Sorry there are not nearly enough photos of the art. It was too good for pictures.
Pss. HOT DOG is launched!