Poll results for July 2010

July's poll is now closed. The question:

Overall, have you gained or lost weight since arriving in Korea?

I've gone up a few sizes (gained 20+ pounds / 9+ kg)
28 (10%)
Let's just say the belt's getting tight (gained 10-20 pounds / 4.5-9 kg)
46 (16%)
Nothing I can't work off by walking more (gained 1-10 pounds / 0.5-4.5 kg)
31 (11%)
I've stayed the same weight
32 (11%)
The belt's a little looser now (lost 1-10 pounds / 0.5-4.5 kg)
67 (24%)
It's amazing what eating veggies can do (lost 11+ pounds / 4.5+ kg)
57 (20%)
I couldn't tell you - my clothes just fit
16 (5%)

While more people say they've lost weight (124) than gained it (105), I was nicely surprised to see how many responded. Thanks - you guys and girls rock.

277 votes cast, not a scientific poll, based on wonderful self-selected readers, etc. etc. etc.

Up next for August: "When you travel, how important is it that English is spoken to you?" It's open to all readers across the world. Go vote now - it's on the left side of the sidebar.

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Creative Commons License © Chris Backe - 2010

This post was originally published on my blog, Chris in South Korea. If you are reading this on another website and there is no linkback or credit given, you are reading an UNAUTHORIZED FEED.