Polar Bear or not?




This Saturday, Jan 15, will be ‘freezin’ for a reazin‘ at Haeundae – participants meet at the Wolfhound Pub, walk to Haeundae, swim and go back to the pub.  It looks like it’s for a good cause.  I can’t make it, however.



I swam in the Chosun Westin Haeundae Beach polar bear swim a few years ago, and have swam in Sokcho in January at least a few times.

Wando has a polar bear swim this January.

Does Busan?

I found this at the Busan Ilbo Polar Bear Swim website

“2011 The 24th Polar Bear Swim with Busan Ilbo.”  Looks promising.

Following the English link, however, I found this:

“period of refund : Within 1 month from the date of competition (2010. 1. 31)”

The Korean page contains the same date.

Anyone have news on the Polar Bear Swim?


Update: The Busan Ilbo link is still being updated, it seems.  I have now found two dates, January 31, 2010 and January 23, 2011.  Those other dates seem to be placeholders until they complete the pages.