Plans, Vacations, and The Seasons of Change.

Hey everyone.

Midweek has arrived!

And what have you been up to lately?

As for me:

These days off have already given me a chance to really gather my thoughts about a couple of things.

Moving to Korea is certainly one of the best choices I've made in my life thus far. The complete upheaval has really given me the opportunity to self evaluate and get started making some solid future plans. In the years before everything kind of seemed up in the air. I knew what I wanted but had no real direction, no way to get started.

Now that Korea has become my starting point I feel a little more organized, my goals somewhat established.


ELA is coming along well. Thanks to those of you who inquired. There's still room for people interested in joining the project, the link to the original informational post is HERE.

The ideas have expanded, and the work load required to get the ball rolling on this project has just gone up a considerable amount. But, you know, I like the challenge. Research is key. It's time consuming, but actually rather enjoyable.

On a personal note

Things are changing. Everyone knows that change is inevitable, but it's hard to avoid the emotional effects, even if we've braced ourselves for the change over.

My parents are talking about selling the house. Yeah, I knew it would happen eventually. That place is too big for just the two of them to really enjoy it. It was meant for a couple with 3 kids living at home 99% of the year.

Now, one kid is married with a family living in his own house, another one (that's me) living in another country entirely, and the youngest just about to start the second year of University... it seems about time that Mom and Dad started doing what all of us dreaded; seriously considering a move to a smaller place.

We grew up in that house. Well, my older brother shared his childhood between two places but his attachment is the same. I was 6 when we moved there and have little memory of the house before it , and my little brother has absolutely no recollection of any other home except that one.

It's hard to think that soon we'll all have to give it up. Not the memories of course, but a physical representation of a huge chunk of our lives. Getting used to a new place will be next to impossible.

It's hard to think that I won't be bringing my future family to that house for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Summer time. That future hubby (whoever he may be, your guess is as good as mine) might meet my parents in a strange new setting instead of that comfortable place of my childhood. Kind of grips me a bit when I know that I won't be able to freely show them that house and those rooms that I loved so much and were so much a part of me. I know that my brothers feel the same way, but we can't expect our parents to keep the financial and physical burden of that house for just the two of them. My mom and dad aren't old, but they don't want to waste their free time cleaning that place from top to bottom. My parents will be official empty nesters soon! It's their time to start living their life freely again.

What will that place have for me in a few years aside from it's title as my hometown? Parents are considering a move to Georgia. Aunt and Uncle will move to Texas. The siblings will all wander their way out of that town onto their own places to start there own lives. There won't be a reason for me to go back there anymore after a while, and that's the saddest part.

I'm too sentimental for my own good sometimes.

I'll be unattached, floating. I guess that's not such a bad thing. Everyone experiences that at some point in their life. I'm barreling right on through my early twenties, I guess I should have expected the feeling of detachment, the bitter-sweet freedom, sooner or later. To belong to nowhere... it'll be a strange sensation.

A free sailing ship with no home harbor.

But, I'm not bitter. It's all part of the adventure.

Future Plans

I discussed this before in some previous posts. I gave a general outline of what I'd like to do in the next few years. The plans have become a little more solid these days.

Not ready to lay them as official just yet, but it all seems to be coming together, and at least I have some healthy goals.

The most demanding goals at the moment are finishing this TESOL course and getting set in to seriously studying Korean and Chinese. Chinese has been easy to get my little hand into because there's so much available online. Korean has been a bit harder in regards to self-study, but thank God for KLIFF.


If you live in Busan and are looking for a place to take Korean language classes 1-5 days a week (regular or intensive, group or private) then you should check out the Korean Language Institute for Foreigners (KLIFF). They have locations in both PNU and Haeundae.


Vacation is already half over, but after the vacation ends I've only got three more weeks of work left before I head home in September to visit my family.

15 more work days left at that (insert choice words and a vehement rant).

Anyway, I'll be heading to Daejon this morning for my out of town trip. Not entirely sure what there will be to see! But I've heard that it's the science and technology area of choice. That's gotta be interesting.

If I can locate my camera between now and the time I leave to catch my KTX train maybe I'll be able to put up a few pictures when I get back!

I know you all love pictures! Yes you do!


That's all for this post.

Until next time,
