Paradise Hunter - Closing In

Back in September, my friend Choppa79 messaged me on YouTube about a contest. He said, "Steve, you'd be perfect for this."

You know what? He's right. I love traveling. In fact, my audio book is about a grand excursion through many of America's National Parks should be released next year. Paradise Hunter really would be a dream job for me. Teaming up with producers to travel the globe, filming the sights, sounds, and cultures of the world's most amazing places is what I want to do. It's more than a dream. It's a calling.

I have been completely blown away by the rallying of support for me to get this job. People have been Re-tweeting the links, sharing on FaceBook, making videos, etc. I've been truly touched by your support.

Now, as time closes in, I need it more than ever. There's just over 36 hours left in the round and I'm not in the top five for votes. I'm hoping that with some last minute voting and sharing, we can show the producers that I have what it takes to host the show and draw in an international audience. If you could please vote and share the link with as many people as possible over the next two days, I'd really appreciate it.

Once voting closes, we'll have to wait until January 4th to see if I make it to the finals. I know I can with your support. Thanks!

Voting Link: