No Respect for Korea In Grad School

The first bit of bad news is, that I need one more class for graduation. The other bit of bad news is, that there’s no Korea in my IR 6677 “China in World Affairs” class. And, there wasn’t a Korea in my IR 6676 “Japan in World Affairs” course years ago. The Koreas, I assume, belong to that gargantuan chunk of the world and reality called “other” (perhaps, “major”).

Catalog Description:

An examination of China and its relations with the global community. The course will involve the student in the political, cultural, and social aspects of the state and its relations with other states.

Overall Objective:

This course aims to discuss Chinese politics and foreign policy from the perspective of regional and international relations.

Specific Objectives:

The student will be able to:

1. Analyze the role of China in Asia as well as in the rest of the world.
2. Identify major challenges China has faced in its regional and international relations.
3. Identify security dilemma in Asia and the whys and wherefores of the Sino-Japanese rivalry.
4. Examine the historical evolutions that bear relevance to the Chinese foreign and security policy.
5. Assess the Chinese military strategies for balance of power “game” among the major international and regional powers.
6. Identify the trend of security relations between China and other major actors in regional and global politics.

I guess the South Korean alumni have really been delinquent with their contributions.

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Filed under: Academia, Korea Tagged: china, graduate school, troy university