Korean Vocabulary Words for New Year’s Day 2016


Happy New Year!

We hope for this year to be filled with health and happiness for all our readers, as well as plenty of fun Korean study sessions (of course)!
a happy new years hat with some noise makers on a white backgroundThat being said, we’re releasing a free lesson for you that’s part our Inner Circle course, our online Korean learning program that gets you speaking Korean in only 90 days. In this PDF vocabulary lesson, we’ve added a bunch of Korean words you can use this New Year’s Day — whether you’re in Korea or not!

Arming yourself with this set of Korean vocabulary will ensure you’re the life of the party at your Korean New Year’s celebrations.

Let’s make this our most productive year yet. Happy studies!

*Want to learn Korean as part of your New Years resolutions? Check out our course!

Korean New Year’s Day Vocabulary Words List

English 한국어 (Korean)
January  일월
New Year’s Resolution 새해 결심
Countdown 카운트다운
Fireworks 불꽃놀이
Toast 건배
Confetti 색종이 조각
December 십이월
Clock 시계
New Year’s Greetings 새해 인사
Midnight 자정
Music 음악
New Year 새해
Calendar 달력
Champagne 샴페인
January 일월

*Note: There’s a download for the full PDF at the bottom of this page so you can take them with you!

Why No Pronunciation Help?

Sometimes, books or websites will post romanization along with the Korean vocabulary words to help beginners or those who cannot read the Korean alphabet. In fact, in our paid Korean learning course, we also ease students into reading Hangul over the course of a few weeks.

However, the reality is that learning to read Korean need only take an hour and a half to get started, and you can read and pronounce many Korean words after this short investment of time. This helps avoid all the mistakes of romanization and catapults you ahead in your learning.

*Can’t read Korean yet? Click here to learn for free in about 60 minutes!

Sample New Year’s Day Korean Sentences

We’ve added a few sample sentences to get you speaking Korean this New Year’s Day! Try to write some sentences of your own in the comments below.

Happy New Year text. hand drawn text. watercolor New Year backgr

사람들은 불꽃놀이와 함께 새해를 기념했습니다. People celebrated the new year with fireworks.

새해를 맞아 건배합시다. Let’s toast to the new year.

우리는 새해 인사를 교환합니다. We exchange new year’s greetings.

카운트다운이 시작되었어요. The countdown has started.

Happy New Year to all! To access the Korean vocabulary PDF download, just click the button below!


Learn to read Korean and be having simple conversations, taking taxis and ordering in Korean within a week with our FREE Hangeul Hacks series: http://www.90DayKorean.com/learn

Korean lessons   *  Korean Phrases    *    Korean Vocabulary *   Learn Korean   *    Learn Korean alphabet   *   Learn Korean fast   *  Motivation    *   Study Korean  


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