Korea Cuteness!

 Korea is the place for cuteness.  Everyone you look, you can see it.  In stores, and on the people, old and young alike, male and female.  Everyone seems to like things that are cute.  So there are a lot of shops that carry cuteness.  The one we happened to stop in today was "Naughty Cat."  These photos are of things I bought.  I know some of the hair things are meant for little girls but I like to wear them too.
 They have tons of cellphone charms and they are only 1000 WON ($.80 USD) each.
 Rocketman found the Superman cellphone charm and we had to get it.  He gets called Superman a lot over here.
                        I don't know why we bought these, they are to give you a double eyelid.
 Of course, when you think of Korean cuteness, you think of Lee Min Ho from "Boys Over Flowers" fame.
                                                 A cute necklace that was way cheap.

These are battery operated fans.  Perfect for a summer day here in Korea and for a gal who sometimes suffers from those dreaded hot flashes.  Tomorrow if it's not raining we're going on a day road trip.  Wish us luck!