Jejudo - Loveland, Seoul - Korean War Museum

Our final night in Jejudo, we went to Baghdad Cafe (or was in Bangkok Cafe?). Either way, it wasn't Iraqi or Thai food. It was a great little Indian/Nepalese restaurant in Jeju City. We stuffed ourselves royally.

Afterwords, we took a cab to the one and only Loveland. A place that my parents and I didn't end up going to together, I wonder why?

It was a very amusing place, lots of pornographic statues and exhibits, but all in all, it was pretty tame, compared to say, the Amsterdam Sex Museum I went to a few years back. I think the pictures will describe it best.

The next day we headed up to Seoul, found ourselves a small apartment in Sincheon Area and then after a nice Vietnamese Dinner, we went out in Hongdae area. It was a lot of fun. The bar Chad wanted to go to ended up being closed. So we went to this small makoli (fermented rice drink) bar. At first things were pretty tame, but things really picked up when a Jenga game made an appearance. It was a really cool place that was deisgned for Korean about to go into the army, and those who just got back. I dont think they got many foreigners in. But we made friends with the regulars quickly.

Soldier walking through the hall of names memorial

The next day we went to Itaewan and then to the Korean War Museum. My parents told me to go there and it really is a must go place. Information overload, but really really amazing. Lots of great exhibits, movies, pictures. Completely bilingual too.

That ended our week trip, and we ended up taking different buses to our next stop. Chad to Busan, me to Iksan. Lots and lots of fun was had on the trip and I'm really glad we went!!



Bathroom Sign

Drinking Fountain


Korean 'Cougar'