Jejudo - Jungmun Resort, Waterfalls, Yakcheon Temple, Yeomiji Botanical Gardens

The next part of our trip took us to the Jungmun Resort area. Unfortunately the weather started raining while there, so we were not able to go to the beach as planned, but we did get to see some other cool sites.

We went to a three-teared waterfall, which compared to the other waterfalls on the island that I have previously seen, was impressive. But it was hot...SO hot. We were in a subtropical rain forest, and that is exactly what it felt like. The rain helped cool things down a bit.

We also went and checked out the REALLY impressive Yakcheon Temple. It was VERY commercial, and it was a very new temple (construction was still being done). But despite that, it was really a site to see. The main hall was 4 levels, 3 of them open to the public. It was suppose to have 30,000ish Buddha Statues, however it turned out that they were all basically leftovers from the souvenir stand, put into a glass case. That aside, the temple was well worth the visit.

The Yeomiji Botanical gardens were a bit of a let down. The open gardens outside were very very pathetic. Weeds growing everywhere, un-pruned bushes. It was laughable. However the indoor gardens were very beautiful. Lots of different zones, for example water plants, cactus room, fruit room etc.

The resort area, was well, just as I remembered it. Over the top, pricey and resort-like. That day I was informed that I passed my black belt test (another blog post will have more details). So Chad was incredibly generous and treated me to a wonderful dinner. We went out for drinks afterwords, which was highly entertaining as I don't think the bartenders had ever met a foreigner that could speak Korean (Chad can). The look in their eyes was priceless. Pure awe.


Waterfall - Level 2

Yakcheon Temple

Yakcheon Temple

Yakcheon Temple

Yakcheon Temple

Yakcheon Temple

Yeomiji Botanical Gardens

Yeomiji Botanical Gardens

Yeomiji Botanical Gardens

Yeomiji Botanical Gardens