Iksan and Seonyudo

After departing from Chad, I made my way to the bustling hamlet of Iksan, where I met Hyesung, her sister (YoonJung), Julian, Craig and Lei. They were staying with an older man that was friends with YoonJung. It was such a great experience and I wish I had arrived earlier but I enjoyed the time with him while I could. We were out in the middle of the country, in his friends house, which was surrounded by rice paddies. REALLY cool. I felt like I was REALLY in Korea instead of in a Westernized Version of Korea.

The next morning we awoke early...like 4:30ish early. The roosters were out in full force, so a lot of us were very groggy, especially those who drank a lot the night before (thankfully I arrived late so I didn't get that effect!). After a quick breakfast, we were off on a boat to Seonyudo. I had been there once before last Chuseok with Alex if anybody can remember.

Me, Craig, YoonJung and Hyesung

We arrived around 10:00am to the island and were taken to our Minbak (hotel with no beds so you sleep on the floor). We had a quick bite to eat, but the clams in the soup were really really sandy and it kind of ruined the already overpriced meal. We spent most of the day lazing around the beach. The water was really warm, I was very surprised. The tide also came in very high and it was amazing how much the beach changed between high tide and low tide.

After the beach, we headed for a walk to one of the connecting islands. We stopped at bought some Hwae (raw rish) and some Soju and Beer for dinner. We had a great spot as we just sat there and watched the sunset in the west. Very enjoyable! We had ourselves a fun/small party that night and ended back at the beach.

While on the beach I snuck off to see what all these people were doing with flashlights in the sand. It turns out there were searching for strange sea creatures that they would later grill and eat. As the token white guy out on the beach with them, they welcomed me in typical Korean fashion and I was hard at work trying to find these things. We got about 4 or 5 of them and then I had had enough so I went back. It was such a great experience. I've never done anything like that so it was really awesome to watch and to participate.

We ended up in bed early...probably by about 11:00pm. The sun had done us in.

The following day we explored other parts of the island which was a lot of fun. The previous night Julian had caught a cricket, which was now his pet. And apparently (as of August 6th anyway) it was still alive! Impressive!

We eventually hopped onto the oversold boat (no seats for us...hate to think about the life jackets availability) and I made my way back to Busan.

I was really hoping to get out of Korea this year for my holidays, but staying in Korea ended up being a great time and a good closure to my time here.

Craig and I on the beach

Hyesung and I on the beach

Me, Craig, Julian and Lei



The Sisters Kim

Wow, I'm so pale.
