How to book train ticket online

How to book train ticket online

If you are like us, who likes to book early and do much research before any trip, this may help.

1. Go to

2. Make sure you know which station, time and other details for your arrival and departure and fill it in.

3. Click enquiry and details of seats and train time availability are all listed here

4. Once you select, key in your personal data such as name, gender, passport number and nationality

5. Final confirmation appeared, please check your details then make payment via credit card (international credit card choice available)

6. Click next and voila, you are booked!

*Booking online ensure seats, if you want to pay cash, you may do so at the departure train station terminal.


Re: How to book train ticket online

It's been a year or so since I've booked online. But when I did, you had to use Internet Explorer, and when prompted to download the site's active x software you have to agree.