Happy Birthday O!


Given our rocky past, Nicole should probably be writing this blog about Olives birthday, but i’m confident enough in our relationship (Olive’s and mine) now to give it a go.

It all started with Olive and I in 2007 when I first saw her and thought…”eww”…”rabbit?”

Since that time, theres been a rather big learning curve in finding out how to gain her trust.

Her are some of my take aways on how to destroy it:

-don’t put her in the freezer, microwave, or washing machine…even if its just temporary, it hurts her feelings and somehow makes you look like the devil.

-no light tossings into a pile of pillows…..dogs don’t like flying. *shrug*

-don’t wake her up with water guns, spitballs or by jumping on the bed. (Immediate defections were a telltale sign that she was not into it)

-don’t hang her up like a towel on a hook in the bathroom….even with a harness….my response was that its cruel and unusual and that one day I will have to answer to someone.

-She didn’t like sitting on the top of the refrigerator.

-She is not enthrawled by th idea that you are a dinosaur chasing her under the bed in an attempt to eat her…..urination will ensue.

-last but not least..its weird, but true story..don’t drop a strawberry on her head. (This happened once by accident (seriously…) and the screeching still haunts my dreams.

With all that said, I miss “O”…alot. She is a fantastic dog that has traveled a ton and always made it work. Its hard not having her with us this time around but knowing that she is in the super capable and loving hands of her grandparents in Orlando, Florida makes us happy. Now, she sunbaths on the kitchen table while grandpa is forced to eat elsewhere and  protects the homestead from anything that walks within 15 feet.

She’s always been a rockstar so in honor of her day I put together a lil music video of her classic shots to the backdrop of Akon’s “sexy bitch”. Enjoy!

We miss you so much Olive and hope your birthday is full of sunny naps and cookies :)

Adam and Nicole

Filed under: Entertainment, Family, Living in Korea, Photos Tagged: Birthday, celebrations, dogs, family, Home, life, Nicole, olive, puppy, Travel

Nicole       &         Adam