The Good Ol’ Days

I can’t really read the blogs on pweb anymore, and I refuse to call it koreabridge. The impetus for starting this dreg again was running into Idleworship/piece of meat in PNU. Idle didn’t know who I was and after really pissing him off, I clued him into to my bleg handle. Much to my chagrin, the fucker not only remember this crap, but was disappointed that I stopped and wanted to know why. Pretty sure meat doesn’t know my real name, but whiskey will do.
Disinterest, I guess. I write all the time, but prefer to rock my diary where I can dot my i’s with hearts and I haven’t figured out how to do that on wordpress quite yet.
So what have I been up to? Came back over, again, for a girl which recently fell thru the cracks ie broke up. So now I have plenty of time to not wear pants and see at what point a 90% booze/ramyun diet will cause liver failure. No hard feelings thou, had a good run and she’s a cool chick.
Being single in Busan isn’t actually that bad. I’ve skipped the whoring around thus far, mainly because I’m terrified of women now and the reason love motels were invented. My theory is that love motels do not maintain privacy, they conveniently avoid the morning after ‘when are you going to leave?’ syndrome that seems to pervade single’s life here. People here are lonely and nothing cures loneliness like overstaying your welcome at someone else’s apartment the morning after you’ve reenacted at least 2 redtube videos. Shit, my last relationship got started on a one night fling. The morning after, she asked if I wanted a grilled cheese, I ate it, said “Thanks for grub”, and bounced. Note to self, not your diary. Shut up.
I’m a doctor.