Go green

When I first reached Korea, I was amazed on how go green this country is.

All rubbish must be segregated at the rubbish area.
Food waste, bottles, plastic, paper etc...
(Will blog about my throwing rubbish experience next time.)

Another thing to note, plastic are not given when we shop at big supermarket such as Emart or Homeplus.
Well, if in need, sure, you can purchase one plastic/paper bag.
But most people would carry a small bag, or a small trolley.
There's even box area outside, where you can boxed up all your purchases near the entrance/exit.
All items are free to use.

Usually, I would carry a small bag... but sometimes, items are too heavy...
And resulting in pain as I need to walk about 15 minutes from these supermarket to my home.
But, today, I finally purchased a small trolley ..
(Yes, after 10 months living in Korea)

 I bought this for 13,000 won

The price I bought was pretty average, as most people got it for cheap at flea market or for free from someone else... 

Some items purchased today

And I can fit in everything inside my small 'go green' trolley.

I was packing and taking pictures at the same time, and everyone looked at me like a cuckoo girl! hahaha

Me with 'go green' trolley.

I say, I'd kinda look cool here...